Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Conversations with a Four Year Old

You never know what you're going to get when having a conversation with Miss G. The subject matter is widely varied but you can count on one thing....drama.

Confab #1

We returned home from an errand this morning and I walked to our study to check my email. Miss G was busy playing and although I could hear her, she couldn't hear or see me.

All of a sudden I hear a panicked shout,


"Yes, my darling."
I hear little feet running down the hallway. She runs into the room and throws herself into my arms and says,

"Oh, thank goodness you're alive!"

"Did you think something happened to me in the last five minutes?"

"I couldn't hear you so I thought you were dead."

Yes...I've probably said that to her. Maybe not with her dramatic flair and I know that I didn't use the word "dead", but that's pretty close to accurate.

Confab #2

Last night while we were watering flowers, I accidentally splashed her feet with water. She said indignantly,

"Hey! You just watered Her Highness!"

I said,

"Oh really? Her Highness?"

"Yes! I am the Queen."

"The Queen of what?"

"Of Highnesses."

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry your Highness Where do you reign?"


"Where is your kingdom?"

She grinned really big, threw her head back and as she rotated her wide-spread arms said with contented certainty,

"Right here."
I guess that makes me her loyal subject. makes Grandma her royal seamstress.

Goodness, my life would be dull and boring without her. Without my loves who knows where I'd be. I'd probably be some grouchy, old-before-her-time woman working in a toll booth listening to Duran Duran on my walk-man chewing on strawberry Bubalicious trying not to break my glittery Lee press-on nails while taking people's money. I'd be stuck in the past and stuck on myself. Thank you Lord for my daily dose of what's truly important, especially broadcast in high drama just for me, Miss G.

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