Two of Miss G's cousins are visiting us this week. Needless to say, Miss G is beside herself with delight. Cousin D was playing a game in a chair today when it was time for Miss G's nap. With a most sincere tone and big tears in her eyes she protested going to her room for her nap.
"But Mommy, I just want to be by him! Can't I sleep on the floor?"
How can a Mommy resist that kind of true love? The carpet was soft as was her "yellow pillow" and she was out in a minute.
Cousins are one of God's greatest inventions especially for an only child. Miss G was able to spend last weekend with two that live south, this week with two that live west and in a couple of weeks, two more from the southwest. To hear Miss G talk about them you would think that not only did they hang the moon but all the other planets as well.
As I type, Miss G and Cousin N are naming all the Disney characters that they can think of. Miss G has just proclaimed that Dutchess(from the Aristocats) has the prettiest hat that she's ever seen in her whole life. Cousin N thinks that Merlin's hat(from The Sword and the Stone) is the most handsome. Captain Hook's hat has been tossed into the conversation but no one has claimed it as the best. By the way, it has been decided that Minnie has a bow which is technically not a hat therefore she has been disqualified from the competition. Miss G just put her head on Cousin N's shoulder and said,
"I love it when you guys stay here with me!"
I remember many, many good times with my cousins; trying to walk the length of a rock wall without falling off, playing hide and seek in the hay barn and eating fried apricot pies made by our Granny. Watching these cousins play makes me long for those golden summer days with my cousins who loved me just for being me.
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