We're looking for some middle/common ground in our family and in an effort to better understand Miss G and ourselves, we took a Myers-Briggs personality test. Our blossoming daughter is an extrovert. I know you're all shocked. Mr. Reserved and I are.....surprise, surprise.....introverts. The test also labeled Miss G as a "thinker" and "judgemental".
I am one laid-back mommy. We don't have a set schedule. We don't even get up at the same time every day. Sometimes we eat breakfast when we get up, sometimes we don't. I don't even do her school subjects in the same order every day. We do them all, just not necessarily in the same order. In my world, the next book on the shelf is our next subject. I'm learning that although this works fine for me, it really bothers Miss G. She wants to know the exact time that we will do something and in what order. She wants to know what we're having for lunch...tomorrow. She wants to know who will be at tennis...next Tuesday. She is a planner and she is an organizer, although it's an organization that only she understands. She MUST know what is going to happen next.
Evidently extroverts get their batteries charged by going out and being with other people. While I treasure the days we don't leave the house, Miss G hates them. When I want to be quiet and relax, Miss G nags me until we are talking or playing or going.
It bothers my maternal side that she is so concerned with the details of our upcoming week and month. Why can't she just relax and enjoy the moment? Please let mommy worry about the time we need to leave to get to our next event. I'll remember to get my purse too....and my phone....and my keys....and gas for the car.
I am making an effort, which is VERY against my nature, to make our days more organized and structured. I am also trying to stay home only two days a week. She needs to get out and be with other people. I get it. Ughh...I'll do it....I mean I'd be glad to do it!
After all, watching her interact and play is highly entertaining.....even for an introvert.
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