You might be wondering where Miss G gets all her hats. I sometimes wonder that myself. Miss G loves hats and it seems that others have noticed. People have started giving her hats for no apparent reason other than when she wears them she makes people smile. It's hard to resist a smile when you encounter a four year old wearing pink cowboy boots and a dalmatian fur hat. (I neglected to capture a picture of her boots. My apologies.)
Are you a person that makes people smile? This question was posed to a ladies' group this past weekend. It stuck with me and caused me some serious self analysis. The speaker specifically asked us, "What would people hear if our thoughts were broadcast over a loud speaker?" Ouch. "Would people hear your judgemental labels? Would people hear your negative self talk? Would they hear you blaming others for your issues? What would they hear?"
These questions actually made me lean back in my chair like I had just smelled a foul odor that I couldn't get away from fast enough. They struck a nerve and made me squirm. Are we actually in control of that rolling monologue in our heads? You know the one that's always making excuses for everything. The one that's rationalizing our every decision. That voice that beats up our self esteem because we think we don't measure up to the standard. Just what is going on up there in our big ol' brain?
Maybe we should disconnect that monologue from our brain and ask God to take control of it. How different our life would be if we were constantly fed by love instead of self doubt, anger and judgement. What if we heard...
"I made you in my image."
"I made you just the way I want you."
"You can do all things through me."
"Ask, seek and knock."
"All who come to me and keep my commandments are saved....for ever and ever and ever and ever."
"I love you."
Now that seems like a better way to live. Plug this into your life. Ask God to take control. You may not have a dalmatian hat, but I bet you can make someone smile. You are a precious gift. Pass it on.
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