Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I bet you've been thinking..."Now why don't she write?"

It has been a great month but a busy one. Why...we've been to the North Pole and back!

The Texas State Railroad out of Palestine has a Polar Express ride. We took a magical journey full of hot chocolate, singing and story telling. We also got to see Santa Claus as he passed out sleigh bells.

The conductor also punched our tickets!

It was a great trip. We highly recommend it.

We also had an awesome church Christmas party but it deserves a post all its' own.

The best day of all was the day the cousins came.

This is "Z".

This is "S".

I believe you know the character on the right.

After they left Miss G cried off and on the rest of the day.

Miss G & I have also been baking....lots....and lots.

As she likes to tell you, "I'm a good egg cracker."

We made Santa and the relatives some sugar cookies. Miss G insisted that we write Santa a note.

We hope that you have a wonderful holiday too.

Sending our love,

Mr. Reserved, Mrs. Dabbler & Miss G

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm so glad you post cousins pictures (: We have some awfully cute kids in our family, don't we?!