Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thumb Sucking Solution

Here's my girl with her Du-dad and her yellow pillow. The very yellow pillow that we believed contributed to her thumb sucking. She held it next her her nose while she sucked her thumb.

Miss G has always sucked her thumb. She found it a few days after she was born and has been sucking it ever since. By the way, the right thumb is no good. It must be the left.

We tried everything to get her to quit. We took her yellow pillow away. We continually reminded her to stop. We promised treats. We did everything short of putting something nasty tasting on her thumb. Nothing worked.

A friend saw us getting on to her the other day and suggested keeping a band-aid on it. Band-aids don't taste very good. An extra bonus for us is that Miss G HATES to have band-aids pulled off. We started putting band-aids on her thumb 3 days ago and so far so good.

I've watched her lift her thumb to her mouth and once there stop because she doesn't want the band-aid in her mouth. Ta-da!! Success!! Something besides me reminding her not to suck her thumb.

Such a simple solution for such a big problem. Thank you, Jennifer! You may have saved us horrific orthodontist bills!

If you have a thumb sucker, try it. It may work for you too.

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