Saturday, July 26, 2008


Below are various critters that can be found in our back yard from time to time. If anyone can name them, please let us know.


I believe this is a cicada shell.

This spider looked like it had a crab shell attached to its back.

This big daddy was very scary looking. He was probably 3 inches long.

Oh wait....that's no critter. It's just Miss G with a rubber snake in her mouth. Who knew?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first one looks like a moth caterpillar, butterfly caterpillars tend to not be hairy or furry. too hard to see what kind with it curled up like that. hehe. the second is a cicada shell for sure and the crab spider is a spiny backed orb weaver spider, your 'big daddy' is a commonly called a black and yellow garden spider. also an orbweaver.they are big but harmless. im not sure what kind exactly, its not the type we have around here but belongs to the same family, the zigzaggy web design in the middle is a dead give away. :)