Sunday, July 6, 2008


Many, many men and women have fought for the freedoms we enjoy in our great nation. They continue on this very day to fight on our behalf.

Thank you.

We are very thankful for the freedoms that we have. Freedom to...

...learn to swim in a State Park, sand castles,

...hike to a fishing hole,

...paddle in a canoe built by my father-in-law's hands,

...order said canoe off the Internet for 1 million dollars,

...pout because one isn't getting one's way and...

...dig in dirt and rocks and get as dirty as possible.

I understand that these aren't the usual freedoms identified when discussing the 4th of July but as a young citizen, Miss G is probably more cognizant of these blessings than us old hardened folks.

We can be heard complaining a lot in this country. Oil is too high. The politicians are crooked...crime, education, economy, pollution, etc. I hope you took a few seconds this 4th and focused on what we do have; on the blessings we have in these United States. We have the freedom of choice. We have the freedom of religion. We have the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. This is a great country founded upon the great ideals and great people. The glass is definitely half full. May God bless us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blog and pictures!

Have a blessed day!