These are the "toys" that Miss G picked out at the store today. They ARE quite lovely.....I'm sure ..... yes.....quite. Miss G tries really hard to be a girlish-girl, but it doesn't come naturally. Please check that picture again. Anyone notice the dirt under her fingernails? Now that is truer clue for understanding our fascinating enigma named Miss G.
Remember, this is our dirt lover. This is the girl that was fascinated by watching her Daddy and Popaw clean birds this weekend. She wanted to see their hearts. Where were their heads? Why do you take their wings and legs off. When she's older, Daddy can take her hunting too...right?!?
And then she plays for hours out of a dress-up doll suitcase from Grandma's cool stuff.
When discussing the endless costume possibilities for an upcoming Halloween event, I threw out several suggestions that were quickly shot down.
"How about a princess or a fairy or an angel? See how pretty they are?"
"No. I don't think those are right."
"Well, what DO you want to be?"
"I want to be a pirate with an eye-patch. May I have a sword too?"
So you see, she tries really hard to be a girlish-girl when she'd really rather have an adventure on the high seas, preferably covered in dirt. I guess she's a tom-boy in a pink skirt. It's like she always tells me..."God makes you just the way he wants you."
Aw, your little Tom Boy is adorable. Dirt in her fingernails and all..
Oh my word she is PRECIOUS! What a fabulous little girl you have there.
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