Monday, February 23, 2009

Children's Day - Tennis Clinic

Every month our church schedules an activity for the young children. This month we organized a tennis clinic for them.

We had great participation and the children loved it. I was suprised by how well they listened to the instruction and how long they stayed with it. We gave them instruction on how to hit a forehand and a backhand and then they played some games. We started at 12:30 and the kids were still hitting tennis balls at 2:30.

The kids loved interacting with some of our "seasoned" tennis players. I think the older ladies loved it too.

We talked about being a good sport and that Jesus said that we should treat others like we want to be treated.

At the end of the day one little boy who doesn't attend our church ran up to me and said, "Can we do this again? I loved it."

It is such a joy to work with children and watch their eagerness glisten in their eyes. They soaked up our every word. How wonderful it was to spread some of God's word into their lives through the physical abilities He has blessed us with. What a blessing it was to us, the instructors, to be encouraged by their pure and open hearts. God truly blessed us with a great day.

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