Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Refusing to Read

And not for the reason you might be thinking.

Miss G and I have been concentrating on her reading. She usually loves to read her silly sentences but today she told me she was not going to read a couple of my sentences anymore.

A couple of you may know that Miss G is full of drama. So full, in fact, that as we practice her reading flash cards she MUST act out or give an example of each word. This truly defeats the "flash" part of the card because it takes us a long time to get through them. She can read them all. She just has to act them all out. I've tried to keep her on task on many occasions but it's against her nature to mechanically read them.

Today, I wrote the following sentences for her to read:

I will not step on a squid and squish it.


The mud went squish under my feet.

After she read the sentences she announced that she couldn't possibly read them again because they were too gross. And this is from my dirt lover.

I guess they weren't too gross because she re-read them to her Daddy tonight. Being gross and giggling about it must be different with your Daddy. There must be a gross acceptance level that mommies just don't have. It's just another perk of being a daddy.

So, when your children must be themselves and learn to read in their own dramatic way, try to turn it to your advantage instead of forcing them into a traditional school mold. It's taken me awhile to relax to her learning style, but I'm finally learning even if Daddy is the only one who can write gross sentences.

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