Saturday, February 7, 2009


Do you have some of these at your home? These are the 3-D glasses that come with your ticket for "My Bloody Valentine, 3D". My crazy husband and his crazy friends went to this movie on their last guys night.

I think the best thing about the movie was that Miss G got to have another accessory for her dress-up box.

And as you can she, they suit her.

Her Mommy picked up a pair of glasses for herself just last Friday. I've bought magnifying glasses before to do some embroidery but it seems lately that I need magnification to read (either that or shorter arms). I'm afraid that my 40's are catching up to me. In an effort to stifle the mini mid-life crisis that reading glasses are causing me, I bought red ones. I guess that's better than buying a red convertible. Although I'll never be as cute as Miss G, I think the red ones suit me too.

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