Thursday, June 5, 2008

More from the Cousins

Miss G and Cousin N had another great day. Although there's 9 years difference in their ages, they play wonderfully together. Cousin N kindly submits to all of Miss G's imaginative play. He was led around the house by a pink, dress-up scarf. He crawled on all fours and played horsey so that Miss G could ride him around. He also sat on the couch and watched TV with her as she clutched his arm and said,
"Cousin N, will you protect me? Scooby-Doo is VERY scary!"
She also could be heard saying,
"Three chairs for Cousin N! Hip, hip hooray!"
Every night they swing on the play fort together. Cousin N is talking and Miss G is singing. There's no need to have a conversation. They just swing and sing and talk in cooperative joy. They are old enough that they really don't need to be watched every minute, but I find myself lingering near them. I love to see their smiles and hear their laughter. I catch glimpses of their thoughts and concerns which range from which galaxy they think Narnia might be in to when the new kittens will come out from underneath the deck. Their love for life fills and renews me. To say that I love them would be an understatement. They are amazing blessings sent to me straight from God. How do I know that God loves me? Scroll back up and look at the picture.

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