Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Silly Sentence Challenge

Miss G loves books. Any story to engage her already rampant imagination is welcomed by her. The picture above was taken at 15 months and by the carnage inflicted upon the spine you can tell that it was well loved.

I know I'm not the greatest conversationalist but it's hard to hear at lunch,
"Mommy, may we eat in the school room so I can listen to a story? Please!?!"
We do love stories from

Today she did her best giant stomp and said,
"Feet, five, fo, thumb. I smell the blood of an Englishmum."
She pointed her broken light saber at me and said,
"I've stolen your golden egg and now you're going to starve."
I raised my eyebrows as high as I could muster and summoned my superior wit and said,
"Oh yeah?"
and she said,

"Yeah! And my favorite food is grilled boys on toast."

"Well...I guess it's a good thing for me that I'm a girl."

As she stomped off down the hall I felt like I'd escaped a close one. I only have to be a half step ahead of her...right? I have the study of logic planned for her future curriculum. I'd better cross that off the list.
But...I digress...

Miss G is learning to read and Mommy is learning phonics. I grew up in an area and age when phonetic reading/spelling wasn't encouraged. We memorized words. Those that know me well know that my mind is like a steel sieve and for my mind to hold a memorized anything is near to impossible. I am hoping that as I learn the spelling rules, by teaching them to Miss G, I will finally be able to put some logical order to spelling.

Miss G has learned all the sounds of the alphabet and the short vowel sounds. I write "silly" sentences so she can sound them out and read them to me. Example:
The red dog sat on a big hot cat.
And now for the challenge...please send any and all "silly" sentences that you can think of to Miss G. She would be delighted to hear from everyone and read their sentence.

Also, if anyone has recommendations for first readers, please pass those along too. A person can never have too many books to read...or eat.

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