Monday, May 19, 2008


Miss G has a recurring dream that usually begins the same but has a different ending. This morning she began telling me about her latest episode.

"Mommy, Pooh-bear was driving a blue car and I was in the front seat with him because there was no back seat except when we're grocery magic a shark appeared and he was trying to eat us. We drove to Poohbear's tree house and we escaped because the shark got lost in the forest. We put down cat footprints so he couldn't find us."

"I'm hungry. Let's go for a walk. "

So we ate breakfast and went for a walk. Along the way we saw...

pecan "worms"...

blue hydrangea...

and a new friend.

A child's heart is amazing. The freedom from worry and judgement allows children to readily open their heart to others. These two strangers met today. The little boy picked a flower and gave it to Miss G. Miss G said "I'm Miss G. What's your name?" He told her and she said "Let's play chase." An instant friendship was formed. They ran and played and giggled that beautiful innocent giggle of children until they couldn't breath. They fell into the cool grass and laid there until the adult, uneasy with this instant and heartfelt friendship, broke the spell and whisked the boy back to appointments and schedules.

I too am concerned about guarding my heart and the heart of my child. Philippians 4:7 says "...And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." If our hearts and minds are already guarded, why not open them up to others so they may see the light of the Lord inside us?

Maybe tonight I will dream about being a child again; the cricket chirping, lie in the cool grass, watching for fireflies dream. I believe it's a little taste of heaven.

There have been times when I think we do not desire heaven but more often I find myself wondering whether, in our heart of hearts, we have ever desired anything else. C. S. Lewis

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