Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Re-arranger

Miss G has a penchant for rearranging things. It's always a surprise when I open a drawer to find a new and different item in place of the item I was looking for. Right now it's the little things like the stapler or a screwdriver or your wedding ring. Maybe the furniture will be next. Her toys have been rearranged so much that if you open Dora's house you might find a frog, a frying pan and a partial deck of cards. Grandma and Popaw gave her a Bingo set for Christmas and I have found little yellow numbered balls in nooks and crannies all over the house. They are keeping whatever they're with "comfortable". I like to think that she has an eye for re-purposing things.

She also likes to re-purpose her Daddy's money. Mr. Reserved likes to nest. All around his favorite spaces he has little piles of stuff including his extra change. While he's at work, Miss G confiscates his change and claims it as her own. Last night when he came in from work she showed him a stocking cap full of money she had "found". We asked her why she had money in her stocking cap. "Because my pink pig is full!" Believing this to be impossible, I asked her to show me her pink pig. She's right. I don't believe that we could possibly fit another dime into that pig. I asked her what she was going to buy with her found money. She grinned really big and said "Cookie-dough ice cream!" She's a girl after her own Popaw's heart.

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